
Galatians is unavailable, but you can change that!

Jarvis Williams’ commentary on Galatians is a commentary of one of Paul’s most rhetorically charged and polemically sharp letters. Williams writes a commentary of the letter, not a commentary of commentaries. He grounds the letter in grammatical-historical exegesis, seeking to help readers understand Paul’s Greco-Roman and Second Temple Jewish context of the letter. Additionally, the book seeks...

The day of judgment is decisive and displays to all the seal of truth. Just as now a father does not send his son, or a son his father, or a master his servant, or a friend his dearest friend, to be ill or sleep or eat or be healed in his place, so no one shall ever pray for another on that day, neither shall anyone lay a burden on another; for all then shall bear their own righteousness and unrighteousness.11 In Gal 5:10, Paul uses the same verb (bastazō), as in 6:5, to refer to the future judgment
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